Maybe I should call this 'apocalyptic lessons'?
I printed this last November, and it seems very current/appropriate for right now,
with all the headlines about financial meltdowns, etc.
The 'school room' is intact, but it is housed in what looks to be a fractured dome of sorts.
It was shot at Fort Ross State historical park (http://parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=449),
about a half hour north of Jenner, CA.
((At least, I think it's a school room, that's what it looks like to me, anyway.))
The dome is a decaying military structure in the Marin Headlands, just north of S.F. -
there are a lot of those, I've photographed many over the last 16 years.
No one wants to haul away all the concrete in these many (gun) batteries, they are just left to deteriorate.
I sandwiched the dome w/ a sky, that was the top of the image.
As usual, if the first of 3 or 4 prints looks good/is a keeper, I improvise w/ the rest...
& add 'something else'....like maybe...a crow(or raven?)!
(now there's an loaded symbol, if there ever was one.)

As for further interpretations of this image?.... that's up to you.
To me, it looks like the human species may be 'an old dog', that definitely needs to learn some 'new tricks' if we are going to get over all the problems we have now.
As usual, more & larger images at: