In the last few weeks, a lot of things happening 'up there'.
Above are two color images from recent online articles about cloud formations, and beneath them one killer frame I took in Nevada last December.
If you recall some of Ansel Adams most notable landscapes, they are all graced by marvelous skies.
I totally 'second that emotion', skies can be very important to my images, too.
If you hadn't heard, scientists are seeing the possibility of an El Nino this winter, which I would be happy to see.
During the last big one (1997), here in Northern Ca. it rained 'cats, dogs... and other assorted small mammals'...
(It rained sooo hard sometimes, it set off car theft alarms!)
I'm looking forward to another one - not only could we use the rain, but the clouds to be seen before and after storms were marvelous.
My thoughts and links are, as usual, more voluminous than I can post here (sequencing the images, and interspersing the text properly is difficult! ), so click on thru to a page at my site, with many larger pix, and links.