Yes, improvisation, 'darkroom printing, without a net' so to speak is a really nice thing. And Photoshop has a way subverting that. Here's the P'shop sketch that got it started:
I like the white space/hi-lite in the notch of the rocks, it draws the viewer in. There's nothing there... but what is 'beyond' nothing?
(Above, the 1 frame/negative.)
(And the stark stormy Joshua Tree)
That's an interesting question in and of itself - what is beyond nothing, white space, an opening?
This one was all improvisation, first i exposed the rocky landscape at the bottom, then burned in 3 variations of the Joshua Tree at the top.
I am OK w/ the white space between the rocks in the first three... but for #4 it was time for something 'different' - which was another Joshua Tree, and a last and final one, much smaller, in the notch in the rocks.
Here's the neg:
Which is 'better'? Viewers choice.
In the 'whatever catches my eye' file, all worth your time:
After many years of making darkroom photomontage ( since the late 80's), and not being able to get arrested for it except for a few appearances in competitive group shows, and some assignment illustrations in various magazines ....I am designing & publishing books I make at Blurb with 'Bookify' - two of them are on Amazon, one is at Blurb.
'California Beach Trip':
On Amazon:
'Desert Trip'
On Amazon:
'Seeking the Vibe'
On Blurb:
Previews of all at: