I'm sure that won't shake your world much.
No surprise, here.
I had closed comments some months ago because virtually 100% of it had become spam, but while researching a previous post about hand-coloring (There will be another hand-coloring post, probably next month), i read a few comments and appreciated that there's actually some people out there reading who benefit from my posts. I am hoping that the hiatus will have discouraged the spammers enough to drop me from their lists. (But I sure as hell ain't holding my breath, ya know?)
So please feel free to speak up, i look forward to intelligent discussion and comments. I'll sift thru the spam if it reappears and bear w/ it.
Yes, even though i send a ton of time in front of this a monitor, i am still a diehard for analog, I still open up the darkroom every few months or so, and my recent round of hand-coloring confirms what I guess I already knew - i can get a whole lot more done in a few hours w/ oil colors, cotton balls and Q-tips than I can w/ Photoshop, in much more time.
Way, waaaay more.
And i really like the way analog is becoming appreciated for it's archival qualities - we are finding that, in the long run, digital is fragile and temporary.
So here's a pertinent link from the 'whatever catches my eye file':
When Artworks Crash: Restorers Face Digital Test
Published: June 9, 2013 - NY Times
"Paintings fade; sculptures chip. Art restorers have long known how to repair those material flaws, so the experience of looking at a Vermeer or a Rodin remains basically unchanged over time. But when creativity is computerized, the art isn’t so easy to fix."
Here's a personal experience along those lines, "digital is fragile and temporary".
A few years ago, my ol' Mac G3 died, over the course of just a few days. The 2 drives in it had been partitioned into 3 sections each, and one by one, each time i started up, another 1 died/failed to show up on the desktop.
At first, i freaked out... then realized that the most major portion of the work had been backed up, it was somewhere over 100 hours of scanning and image prep. When i figured out that the loss was only some digital pix, I breathed a big sigh of relief, and looked across the room to a suitcase that has all the B&W negs I've shot since i moved to Ca. 21 years ago. They are quite intact and will be safe and sound for many years to come.
Flood? I am on the 4th floor, if i am worrying about flood loss at that height? Film is the least of my worries.
Fire? My apt has sprinklers installed, and that suitcase is pretty darn sturdy, and it's wrapped (inside) in a big sheet of plastic.
Earthquake?... once again, if Ca. gets 'the big one' and it is close to San Rafael?....
saving film might be the least of my worries.
An EMP attack by Korea or Iran?... once again, saving film will be the least of my worries.
But will whatever technology exists 10 or 20 years from be able to deal w/ my negs? I suspect so.
Because there is just way too much 'old stuff' for the 'new stuff' to ignore/exclude/ make unuseable.
Here's another pertinent link from the 'whatever catches my eye file':
Vinyl records aren't dead:
I'd *love* to know what my first release copy of Dave mason's first solo album (pressed on 'marbled' vinyl) would sell for today. It would probably make me faint.
I will be content to still be able to hear:
( a live performance 1977)
studio version
A preview of the hand-color post to come:

As a last word, try and find something good, some glimmer of hope in this crazy-ass world.
I did this montage (below) a few years ago, and that's what it's about - find something good, some glimmer of hope in this crazy-ass world.
I titled it the 'The pass', as in the old line in western movies 'let's cut em off at the pass!'... but you?... should 'pass' on thru. As in the lyric from a Doors song (sad to hear Ray M. died recently) - "Break on thru to the other side".
Do that. :-)
No surprise, here.
I had closed comments some months ago because virtually 100% of it had become spam, but while researching a previous post about hand-coloring (There will be another hand-coloring post, probably next month), i read a few comments and appreciated that there's actually some people out there reading who benefit from my posts. I am hoping that the hiatus will have discouraged the spammers enough to drop me from their lists. (But I sure as hell ain't holding my breath, ya know?)
So please feel free to speak up, i look forward to intelligent discussion and comments. I'll sift thru the spam if it reappears and bear w/ it.
Yes, even though i send a ton of time in front of this a monitor, i am still a diehard for analog, I still open up the darkroom every few months or so, and my recent round of hand-coloring confirms what I guess I already knew - i can get a whole lot more done in a few hours w/ oil colors, cotton balls and Q-tips than I can w/ Photoshop, in much more time.
Way, waaaay more.
And i really like the way analog is becoming appreciated for it's archival qualities - we are finding that, in the long run, digital is fragile and temporary.
So here's a pertinent link from the 'whatever catches my eye file':
When Artworks Crash: Restorers Face Digital Test
Published: June 9, 2013 - NY Times
"Paintings fade; sculptures chip. Art restorers have long known how to repair those material flaws, so the experience of looking at a Vermeer or a Rodin remains basically unchanged over time. But when creativity is computerized, the art isn’t so easy to fix."
Here's a personal experience along those lines, "digital is fragile and temporary".
A few years ago, my ol' Mac G3 died, over the course of just a few days. The 2 drives in it had been partitioned into 3 sections each, and one by one, each time i started up, another 1 died/failed to show up on the desktop.
At first, i freaked out... then realized that the most major portion of the work had been backed up, it was somewhere over 100 hours of scanning and image prep. When i figured out that the loss was only some digital pix, I breathed a big sigh of relief, and looked across the room to a suitcase that has all the B&W negs I've shot since i moved to Ca. 21 years ago. They are quite intact and will be safe and sound for many years to come.
Flood? I am on the 4th floor, if i am worrying about flood loss at that height? Film is the least of my worries.
Fire? My apt has sprinklers installed, and that suitcase is pretty darn sturdy, and it's wrapped (inside) in a big sheet of plastic.
Earthquake?... once again, if Ca. gets 'the big one' and it is close to San Rafael?....
saving film might be the least of my worries.
An EMP attack by Korea or Iran?... once again, saving film will be the least of my worries.
But will whatever technology exists 10 or 20 years from be able to deal w/ my negs? I suspect so.
Because there is just way too much 'old stuff' for the 'new stuff' to ignore/exclude/ make unuseable.
Here's another pertinent link from the 'whatever catches my eye file':
Vinyl records aren't dead:
I'd *love* to know what my first release copy of Dave mason's first solo album (pressed on 'marbled' vinyl) would sell for today. It would probably make me faint.
I will be content to still be able to hear:
( a live performance 1977)
studio version
A preview of the hand-color post to come:

As a last word, try and find something good, some glimmer of hope in this crazy-ass world.
I did this montage (below) a few years ago, and that's what it's about - find something good, some glimmer of hope in this crazy-ass world.
I titled it the 'The pass', as in the old line in western movies 'let's cut em off at the pass!'... but you?... should 'pass' on thru. As in the lyric from a Doors song (sad to hear Ray M. died recently) - "Break on thru to the other side".
Do that. :-)