Saturday, July 2, 2016

How 'bout a sandwich or two?

Not the kind you get at a deli, but a negative sandwich, two frames in the neg carrier, in pretty much perfect alignment. They are hard to come up with, to say the least.

Here are two such sandwiches, all negs done in Nevada some 8 years ago. 
Very rough ragged and forbidding mountains:

And two agave plants, very tough survivors, very tender and juicy leaves inside -  
their exterior, the thorns, is a deception.

I especially like the one with the close-up on the plant, above - it has lots of tension between near and far.
I thought these were good candidates for hand coloring, so i partied down with that.
( I do a blog about just hand coloring if you're interested:

In the 'whatever catches my eye' file this month:

Marvelous wet plate collodion images:

"Nixon prefers older technologies so that he can slow down and respond to the subject in front of him. While shooting in the field, Nixon’s car becomes the darkroom, because in the collodion process, glass-plate negatives have to be prepared, exposed, and developed on-site while the materials are moist. If the plates dry, they are no longer light sensitive. Although Nixon is a master technician, he sets aside academic ideas of what constitutes a perfect print, preferring to show his hand as an artist."

Remember Polaroid? I sure do.

It's called the Beach Blog, so we can talk 'sand' can't we?

"Sand is the essential ingredient that makes modern life possible. And we are starting to run out. Believe it or not, we use more of this natural resource than any other except water and air." 

I'll be back next month w/  a dreamer - no, not the kind Pres. Obama is talkin' about...

Oh, BTW... i have 2 books published on Amazon:

'California Beach Trip':

And 'Desert Trip'

Check them out, please. You just might like them enough to buy a copy.

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